La Bataille de Prusse 1809
La Bataille pour la Prusse 1806 ©
leader’s morale bonus can be used. Returning units enter the South edge of the map within 5 hexes of the Hassenhausen Road. Prussian Units that rout off the map are eliminated.
Empire of the French Starting Positions 1ere Chasseur a’ Cheval, 25e Ligne Regiment, 2e Battalion within 8 hexes south of Hassenhausen (not in Road March ) (Cache units) 25e Ligne Regiment, 1ere Battalion at south edge on road to Hassenhausen (May be in Road March) (Cache unit)
Cache counters
At the start of the scenario, the French Player may deploy 6 Cache counters that serve as a source of confusion regarding their exact deployment. They represent 3 real units and 3 misidentified units. The real infantry units must be in a one hex formation. In addition to Cache counters representing only one hex cavalry formations, the Cache counter may represent light cavalry in Tirailleur a’ Cheval. French Tirailleurs a’ Cheval would only use one counter to represent the unit. These counters are the French Flags.
These counters are placed on the map, and they will be revealed, upon one of three actions: 1) if the counter is fired upon by infantry or artillery and suffers a casualty; 2) is meleed or charged by cavalry at the point of contact), (3) Cavalry using the Ta’C properties (slowing down infantry) is revealed.
Units that retreat before combat (no fire loses) may do so without being revealed
The use of Cache counters continue after the fog has ended, until they are revealed
When the Cache counter is revealed, it is either replaced with the actual combat unit it designates or it will be removed from play.
Cache counters have a movement value of 7 and a fire defense of 11.
During the French fire phases, all Cache counters which would normally be able to make a fire attack on an enemy formation will make a 1 to 1 fire attack. The result will be applied to the Coalition formation. This includes the loss of increments, leader casualties and morale checks.
Marshal Enterprises
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