La Bataille de Deutsch Wagram 1809

La Bataille de Deutsch- Wagram 1809

Scenario Two

Macdonald crosses the Russbach

Starting Locations and Order of Appearance July 5, 1809 Start 18:00 - End 21:40 Maps 4 Boundary See scenario Map

Summary In conjunction with Oudinot's advance , GdD Macdonald is ordered to penetrate the swampy grounds and heights between Wagram and Baumersdorf. Please consult the dusk and evening rules

Formation Description




La Grande Armée de l'Allemagne Lamarque avec 2e Division 18:00

French side of the Russbach French side of the Russbach French side of the Russbach French side of the Russbach French side of the Russbach

7e Co./11e Artillerie á Pied 8e Co./11e Artillerie á Pied 9e Co./11e Artillerie á Pied 10e Co./11e Artillerie á Pied

18:00 18:00 18:00 18:00

6 e Chasseurs á Cheval

19:00 See scenario map

Kaiserlich-königliche Hauptarmee De Fresnel Division mit 2 Brigade Batterien, , 1 Position Batterie, 1 Schwer Batterie 18:00

Aus. Side of the Russbach

2. Jäger Battalion , 1 Kavalrie Batterie


French side of the Russbach

Key Initial Starting Locations Entry Times

Victory Levels French Substantial - Place 20 increments on the Aus. side of the Russbach at end of 21:40 turn French Decisive - Place 30 increments on the Aus. side of the Russbach at end of 21:40 turn Austrian Decisive - No French units on the Aus. Side of the Russbach at the end of the 21:40 turn Austrian Substantial - No more than 15 increments on the Aus. side of the Russbach at end of 21:40 turn Draw - No other French or Austrian Victory

Marshal Enterprises

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Scenario Two

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