La Bataille de Friedland et Danzig 1809

Le Siege de Danzig 1807

Le Siege de Danzig 1807 The game Le Siege of Danzig 1807, recreates the first of the two major sieges the City and Fortress of Danzig experienced during the Napoleonic Wars. This first siege, occurring towards the end of the War of the Fourth Coalition in 1807, pits a polyglot, multi-national Imperial French force under the overall command of Marechal Francois Joseph Lefebvre against the Russo-Prussian forces. While those troops were under the command of General Friedrich Adolf, Count von Kalkrueth, they were financially reinforced by the English Crown and sustained by the British fleet. This siege lasted almost three months, and the outcome influenced the conclusion of the 1807 campaign

in East Prussia. Despite the desperate nature of this first siege, the events of 1807 were modest in comparison to the next siege. This second siege during the Napoleonic Wars, occurred in 1813, and involved the spirited defense of Danzig the French under Count Jean Rapp against a combined Russo- Prussian command. This siege lasted over a year.

Le Siege de Danzig 1807—The Game Le Siege de Danzig 1807 covers the period of March 15, 1807 until the June 1807. The exact duration is dependent on the results of each turn. Le Siege de Danzig 1807 is simulated in 10 turns or earlier, if the city surrenders. Nine of the turns include weekly management of force allocations to achieve objectives. The last turn is dedicated to the relief of the city, and is played with the Marshal Enterprises (ME) Premier Rules to simulate grand tactical combat. This information is contained in the Danzig Technical Special Rules . Options are also provided in section 10f of the weekly rules that can facilitate either a rapid conclusion, or just continue to play four more turns (section 10g) of the weekly management of resources game. Chronolgie le Siege (1) 1e Control Identification -Place control markers on the map for the locations you gained control of in the last week or still hold. Markers are provided to show Russian /Prussian (Coalition) or French (French, Baden, Polski, Sachsen) control


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