La Bataille de Prusse 1809
La Bataille pour la Prusse 1806 ©
All French Divisions deploy on the map excluding: 1 Division of the IV Corps rolls for arrival at 10:00 1 Division of the VI Corps rolls for arrival at 10:20 1 Division of the VII Corps rolls for arrival at 10:40 C2 Designated Cavalry Division enters Zone 2 10:40 Those divisions will arrive in the Blue Zone oval where the rest of that corps had already been placed (thus if the division is in the IV Corps, it will go with the rest of the IV Corps).
Prussian Marginal;
All French Divisions deploy on the map excluding: the III Corps, roll for arrival beginning at 12:00 or 13:00, depending on the road chosen
1 Division of the VI Corps rolls for arrival at 10:20 1 Division of the VII Corps rolls for arrival at 10:40 C2 Designated Cavalry Division enters Zone 2 10:40 C3 Designated Cavalry Division enters Zone 2 11:40
Those divisions will arrive in the Blue Zone oval where the rest of that corps had already been placed (thus if the division is in the IV Corps, it will go with the rest of the IV Corps).
All Prussian and Saxon leader’s morale is plus 2 to existing value
Prussian Tactical:
All French Divisions deploy on the map excluding: the III Corps, roll for arrival beginning at 12:00 or 13:00, depending on the road chosen
1 Division of the IV Corps rolls for arrival at 10:00 1 Division of the VI Corps rolls for arrival at 10:20 1 Division of the VII Corps rolls for arrival at 10:40 C2 Designated Cavalry Division enters Zone 2 11:40 C3 Designated Cavalry Division enters Zone 2 12:40
Those divisions will arrive in the Blue Zone oval where the rest of that corps had already been placed (thus if the division is in the IV Corps, it will go with the rest of the IV Corps).
Von Rüchel (Reserve) rolls for arrival at 12:00 noon
All Prussian and Saxon leader’s morale is plus 3 to existing value
Queen’s Morale is plus 4 to existing value
Prussian Decisive: the III Corps, roll for arrival beginning at 12:00 or 13:00, depending on the road chosen
La Bataille de Jena 1806: D'histoire alternative 1 Division of the IV Corps rolls for arrival at 10:00 1 Division of the VI Corps rolls for arrival at 10:20
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