La Bataille de Prusse 1809
La Bataille pour la Prusse 1806 ©
Roll for one of the following, every 20 minutes starting at 12:00. The order is your choice. Entry variance – the units are scheduled to entry at a specific time, but there could be delays. At the time they are due, roll (one die):
1-3 on time 4 20 minutes late 5-6 roll again next turn
Reserve außer Weimar - von Rüchel enters on the Weimar Road starting at the 13:00 turn
Kavalrie Brigade (Wobeser Dragoons, etc.) und Kavalrie Brigade - von Wobeser 1. Division von Saxe-Weimar- Eisenach Leichte Truppen (Sobe, etc.) und Avant Garde If the Weimar Road entry hex is captured and held by the French when the first of von Rüchel’s reinforcements are scheduled to arrive, these reinforcements do not enter. Von Rüchel is heading to East Prussia.
Victory Conditions
Coalition Strategy Options The Prussian Army had two competing ideas of how this war was to be pursued. The first was that the Prussian Army could stand on its own and defeat the French. The second was to fight a delaying action and then link up with the Russians in East Prussia. As you know, they did a little of both, although there was very little to reinforce the Russians at Eylau.
The Coalition Commander gets to choose his option at the start of the game, but does not disclose it to the French until the end of the game.
The opposing players should record losses, if the French go on a Morale Level and also when a town is captured
Option #1 Stand and Fight
All increment losses of the French count for triple points for the Prussians ( 1 to 3) All increment losses of the Prussians count single points for the French ( 1 to 1) Points are awarded if the French or the Prussians occupy every hex of the villages at the end of the game
Lizteroda – 1 point Isserstadt – 1 point Hermstedt – 1 point Hohlstedt – 2 points Kappeldorf – 3 points Schoten – 2 points
La Bataille de Jena 1806: D'histoire alternative
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