La Bataille de Prusse 1809
In the Year 1806
possible trading route to Santa Fe, then under Spanish colonial control in New Mexico; to contact Native American peoples for trading purposes; to collect data on flora, fauna, and topography, and map the country and river; and to assess the land for settlement. The Spanish officials intercepted the expedition 615 miles upriver, in what is now northeastern Texas, and turned it back before the party achieved all of its goals. Finally on November 15, Lieutenant Zebulon Pike begins his second exploratory expedition of what is today the American Southwest. Lt. Pike sees a distant mountain peak while near the Colorado foothills of the Rocky Mountains (later named Pikes Peak in his honor). Today, much of NORAD is embedded in the other mountains close to Pike’s Peak. All of this American discovery would lead to lots of road. On March 29, construction is authorized of the National Road (the first United States federal highway). This is an early example, but not the first, of American pork in play. Today the National Road survives as part of Interstate 80. Some drivers will comment that there are some road repairs needed dating back to 1806. But not everything was explorers and public works in the 1806 United States. On January 7 the first baby was born in the White House, the grandson of President Thomas Jefferson. Later in that child’s life, he was heard to ask his grandfather, “Grandpa, how do you spell canister?’…he would reply, “my dear boy, how many times have I told you, look it up in your Webster’s Dictionary. Noah Webster published his first American English dictionary in 1806. He is said to have changed the spelling of English words in order for them to be more phonetically accurate to the American accent. Noah was educated at Harvard where he studied law, and his father was Governor of Connecticut. 1806: A Year For European War, Diplomacy and Culture At Its Best The Peace of Pressburg in the closing days 1805 did not result in much peace. The Prussians seemed to be itching for war through the first nine months of 1806 and voila, the end of September had the Prussians and Saxons marching off to an impossible war against the French and their multiple German allies. Of course there were a number of other related events which contributed to the general war in 1806. By the end of the year, both the French and the English were managing to blockade each other through Europe through a series of edicts and pronouncements. The smuggling and illicit trade throughout Europe was a continued irritant to both the French and English who collectively had managed to turn the monarchs of Europe into sniveling petty thieves and liars. Early in 1806, the French continued their liberation of Italy by invading the Bourbon territories south of Roman and overturning the decrepit Bourbon regime in Naples. There, Napoleon established a kingdom under the rule of his brother, Joseph. On July 4, the British intervened by invading Calabria and British General John Stuart defeated French General Jean Maida. The Bonapartists however ruled the Kingdom of Naples
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