Leipzig 1813
La Bataille de Leipzig 1813 Special Unit Types and Formations
Forces of Russia and Poland
The soldiers fighting for a free Poland saw the declarations by the French Empire and their Emperor as the Polish people’s only hope for an independent state. After Russia participated in the partition of Poland, the Russian army and Cossaques had been especially harsh on the population. To the Polish soldier the choices were victory with revenge or slavery. Therefore to simulate the commitment of the Polish forces please use the following rules if Poles engage in any combat with the Russians: After a melee result with a numerical result, including zero, then role a single die...a 1 or 2 would mean each side would lose another increment. This includes all arms.
Combining Coalition Forces
Prussian, Austrian and Russian troops may not stack together in the same hex. If, as a result of movement (end of turn), combat or morale recovery, they are stacked together, roll morale for each unit, subtracting 12 from the die roll, and displace the offending unit(s). The leaders of one nationality will have no benefit for any other nationality’s forces.
Further, Austrian, Russian and Prussian Artillery may not combine fire on a single target.
Rheinbund Loyalties ( Baden, Wurttemburg, Hess-Darmstadt, Westphalian)
The Allied states of W rttemburg, Westphalia, Hesse-Darmstadt and Baden have embraced the cause of liberty, joining with the French Army to secure their sovereignty against their aggressive neighbors. For purposes of the game these units are all considered as Rheinbund German allies in French Service. Any time the Rheinbund cavalrie, which is in the service of the French, declares a charge, this cavalrie must pass a morale check prior to any offensive charge movement. If the check fails, the cavalrie stands in place for the player turn, and may not offensively melee. This does not include opportunity and reaction charges because a morale roll is already required. If any of the Rheinbund German cavalrie regiments take casualties of 50% of total increments lost, when they take a morale check due to losses, if the second die results in a roll of 4, 5, 6 they defect to the Coalition. During the following Coalition movement phase any defecting c avalrie must make a full move toward the closest Coalition cavalrie. The following turn the defecting Rheinbund units are considered Prussian for all purposes.
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