Leipzig 1813
La Bataille de Leipzig 1813
Acknowledgements –October 2013 Marshal Enterprises acknowledges the following individuals and organizations in the development and production of this game. Playtesters: Mark Kaczmarak, Prince Poniatowski, Marshal of France…Mark demonstrated his steadfast virtues with his two years of playtesting; editing and advice during the development of this project. He has the strength and civility of Poniatowski, Prince of Poland and Marshal of France, who gave his life at La Bataille de Leipzig. Poniatowski’s Polish comrades demonstrated their courage and patriotism several times during this great battle. ..Mark, we salute you! Michael Neylan, Prince Ney Gene Lee, General de Cavalrie Comte Sebastiani David Buchbinder, General de Division Comte Caffarelli du Falga Robert Martin, General Klenau, Duc de Yuma Andrew Howard, General Wittgenstein, Prince of the Gila River We appreciate the encouragement of John Kranz from Consim and all of those who supported our efforts on the La Bataille Consim site. We note the support of many people during the last three years in Tempe and we look forward to “Duel in the Desert IV.
Marshal Enterprises
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