Leipzig 1813
La Bataille de Leipzig 1813 ©
21-36 plus 20 minutes 41-56 plus 40 minutes 61-66 plus 60 minutes Victory Conditions Calculated at the end of the 7:40 pm turn
French Decisive 9 th Corps and 1oth Corps on Level Two hold any 2 hexes of Wiederitzsch and hold all hexes of bridges 1, 2, & 3 by the end of the 7:40 pm turn. French Substantial 9 th Corps and 1oth Corps on Level One hold 1 hex of Wiederitzsch and hold any hexes of bridge 1 & 2 across by the end of the 7:40 pm turn.
French Marginal Hold any hexes of bridge 3 at the end of the 7:40 pm turn.
Coalition Decisive 27e Polish Division and 9 e Division on Level Two and hold all hexes of bridges 1, 2 & 3 by the end of the 7:40 pm turn. Coalition Substantial 27e Polish Division and 9 e Division on Level Two and hold bridge all hexes of bridges 1 & 2 0r 2 & 3 by the end of the 7:40 pm turn.
Coalition Marginal Hold all hexes of bridge 2 by the end of the 7:40 pm turn. 82 – Attack on Wiederitzsch Starting with the 4:00 pm turn, the game ends at the conclusion of the 7:40 turn
Use Map 1, 2 No unit may cross the Reitschke Stream.
This scenario is a short conflict between the 27e Polish Division and 18e Legere Cavalrie Brigade defending Wiederitzsch and the Coalition 8th and the 22nd Divisions of the 10 th Corps with the Corp ’ s leadership and artillery.
Initial Set-up Polish 27e Polish Division within 6 hexes of Gross Wiederitzsch 18e Cavalrie Brigade within 8 hexes of Klein or Gross Wiederitzsch.
Initial Set-up Russian 8 th Division within 3 of R8, 22 ND Division within 3 hexes of R22, 10 th Corps Leaders with Artillery within 3 hexes of R10 Corps Cavalry within 3 hexes of RKor (Road East Edge of Map 1) Victory Conditions
La Bataille ME – Leipzig 1813
Marshal Enteprirses
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