La Bataille de Berlin 1813

La Bataille de Dennewitz 1813 Le grand assaut de Ney - Scenario Two September 6, 1813 Maps B and C Start : 14.20 Finish: at the end of the 19:00 turn Boundary 10 hexes South of Dennewitz

Starts on map Enters map at time shown


Debut / Arrivee


Preußisches Armee Korps The Prussians may include additional reinforcements. However this effects the victory conditions

III. Armee-Korps

Western edge 6 hexes south of scenario Northern boundary Western edge 16 hexes south of scenario Northern boundary

GL Freiherr von Bülow


Stabchef - Oberst von Boyen


3. Brigade - GM Prinz von Hessen-Homburg


Western edge 6 hexes south of scenario Northern boundary (Ganze Brigade)

II/Ost Preussisches Grenadier, Battalion 3. Ost Preussisches Infantrie Regiment 4. Reserve Infantrie Regiment 3. Ost Preussisches Landwehr Regiment 1. Lieb Husaren (Totenkopf) Regiment

Minus two increments Minus two increments

5. Batterie zu Fuss

Within five hexes west of Gohlsdorf (ganze Brigade)

5. Brigade -GM von Borstell


1. Pommersches Infantrie Regiment 2. Reserve Infantrie Regiment 2. Kurmärk Landwehr Infantrie Regiment

5. Pommersches Husaren Regiment

10. Batterie zu Fuss

Marshal Enterprises

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La Bataille de Dennewitz 1813

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