La Bataille de Berlin 1813
Scenario One
Debut / Arrivee
III Cavalrie Corps
Scenario Boundary, road to Dennewitz
5e Légère Cavalrie Division
Général de division Lorge 5e Chasseur à Cheval 10e Chasseur à Cheval 13e Chasseur à Cheval 15e Chasseur à Cheval 21e Chasseur à Cheval 22e Chasseur à Cheval
(Division entiere)
Victory Conditions
At the end of the scenario
Hold Dennewitz, Nieder-Gorsdorf, Rohrbeck and place 14 battalions within 7 hexes of the road to Berlin at northen edge
French Decisive
Hold Dennewitz, Nieder - Gorsdorf and Rohrbeck
French Substantial
Hold Dennewitz and Rohrbeck
French Marginal
Coalition Marginal
Hold Nieder-Gorsdorf
Hold Nieder-Gorsdorf and Rohrbeck, and prevent 14 battalions within 7 hexes of the road to Berlin at northern edge Hold Nieder-Gorsdorf, Rohrbeck and Dennewitz, and prevent 14 battalions within 7 hexes of the road to Berlin
Coalition Substantial
Coalition Decisive
(Hold means being the last player to occupy all the hexes of a village before the end of the game / scenario.)
Troops may not cross into the Scenario Two map area during this scenario
14 battalion victory condition measured at the end of the scenario.
Marshal Enterprises
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La Bataille de Dennewitz 1813
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