La Bataille de Berlin 1813

La Bataille de Berlin 1813 ©

Games / Scenarios

Game Five – La Bataille de Dennewitz 1813 ( 3 maps)

 Scenario One – En route por Berlin 11:00 to 14:00 (1 1/2 maps)  Scenario Two - Le grand assaut de Ney 14:20 to 19:00 (1 ½maps)  Scenario Three –Grand Battle (3 maps)

La Bataille de Berlin 1813 (Campagne)

 Play each of these games in chronological order to determine if Prussia withdraws from the Coalition.

1. Blankenfelde 2. Neu Beeren 3. Hagelberg

4. Dennewtiz –Scenario One 5. Dennewitz - Scenario Two 6. or Dennewitz Grand Battle – Scenario Three  Losses and results of the Hagelberg battle could have an impact on Dennewitz.  See the Tableau des résultats de la campagne for the results of the campaign  Decisive results in early battles could conclude the campaign in your favor.  Please note, not all unit counters provided are used in every game or scenario.  Individual games and scenarios have been configured for solo, one on one or team play

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