La Bataille de Berlin 1813
La Bataille de Berlin 1813 ©
Games / Scenarios
Game Five – La Bataille de Dennewitz 1813 ( 3 maps)
Scenario One – En route por Berlin 11:00 to 14:00 (1 1/2 maps) Scenario Two - Le grand assaut de Ney 14:20 to 19:00 (1 ½maps) Scenario Three –Grand Battle (3 maps)
La Bataille de Berlin 1813 (Campagne)
Play each of these games in chronological order to determine if Prussia withdraws from the Coalition.
1. Blankenfelde 2. Neu Beeren 3. Hagelberg
4. Dennewtiz –Scenario One 5. Dennewitz - Scenario Two 6. or Dennewitz Grand Battle – Scenario Three Losses and results of the Hagelberg battle could have an impact on Dennewitz. See the Tableau des résultats de la campagne for the results of the campaign Decisive results in early battles could conclude the campaign in your favor. Please note, not all unit counters provided are used in every game or scenario. Individual games and scenarios have been configured for solo, one on one or team play
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