La Bataille de Berlin 1813
Premier Rules for La Bataille ME (July 2021)
At the conclusion of the increment loss, the routed skirmisher retreats it full movement points. The cavalry occupies the hex vacated by the skirmisher and is tired
Cavalry Units which fail to pass their morale check in an attempt to opportunity charge merely stand where they are, in good order. There is no loss in readiness.
Cavalry Charges and Artillery (41)
There are several states for artillery vs. cavalry to consider: Is the artillery unaccompanied in a hex or the artillery is accompanied with infantry? Is the artillery limbered or unlimbered? Is the cavalry facing the front of the guns or not?
When the artillery is in a hex:
When cavalry charges unaccompanied, limbered artillery , the artillery is treated like infantry for the purposes of cavalry charge. When cavalry unaccompanied, unlimbered , bring the charging cavalry adjacent to the guns, o If it is a front hex of the guns , make a morale check with the artillery, and if the guns succeed in passing their check proceed to defensive fire then melee in the appropriate phase. If the guns fail their morale check, they are eliminated from play, and the charging cavalry may continue their charge and stop in the artillery hex. The cavalry would have met the requirement to contact a charging unit o If it is not in front of the guns, make a morale check with the artillery, and if the guns succeed in passing their check proceed to melee in the appropriate phase. If the guns fail their check, they are eliminated from play, and the charging cavalry may continue their charge When cavalry charges, accompanied , unlimbered artillery the infantry must check its morale and attempt to stand or form Carre . o If the infantry stands, proceed to defensive fire and combat o If the infantry disorders or routs PGD , the guns are said to be abandoned in place o When the guns have been abandoned by the infantry, the cavalry moves adjacent to the artillery The artillery takes defensive fire if attacked from the front, at one hex range The guns then check morale. If the guns pass their morale check they are assaulted in the melee segment. If they do not pass their morale they are eliminated.
If the Artillery is in a hex with accompanying infantry, and is limbered , the guns accept the result of the infantry action, be it stand in place, attempt to form Carre , etc.
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