La Bataille de Berlin 1813
Due to the small size of some Dragoon "regiments", they have been combined
Not all units present at Gross Beeren appear at Dennewitz
Victory Conditions
At the end of the 14:00 turn
Hold Dennewitz, Nieder-Gorsdorf, Rohrbeck and place 14 battalions within 7 hexes of the road to Berlin at northern edge.
French Decisive
Hold Dennewitz, Nieder - Gorsdorf, and Rohrbeck
French Substantial
Hold Dennewitz and Rohrbeck
French Marginal
Coalition Marginal
Hold Nieder-Gorsdorf
Hold Nieder-Gorsdorf and Rohrbeck, and prevent 14 battalions within 7 hexes of the road to Berlin at northern edge Hold Nieder-Gorsdorf, Rohrbeck and Dennewitz, and prevent 14 battalions within 7 hexes of the road to Berlin
Coalition Substantial
Coalition Decisive
14 battalion victory condition measured at end of 14:00 turn
Marshal Enterprises
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Dennewitz Grand Battle
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