La Bataille de Bautzen 1813
Premier Rules for La Bataille ME (Sept. 2019)
Infantry has only two options in the face of a cavalry charge (when declared the target):
1. The infantry attempts to stand in its current order when contacted by the charging cavalry 2. The infantry attempts to form Carre at a distance within two hexes it has line of sight to the cavalry.
Option #1 Elect to Stand
If the infantry elects to stand in its current order, the cavalry completes the charge move, and ends that move adjacent to the infantry. At this point, the infantry makes a modified morale check. Any time an infantry formation is charged by cavalry, and the infantry does not elect to enter Carre , the infantry will have the following modifications made to its morale check: If the infantry succeeds in this check, the cavalry charge is halted. Infantry in this case are considered to have passed their pre-melee morale check and things stop until the defensive fire phase. If this infantry unit fails to pass the morale check it routs. Before the routing infantry leaves, the cavalry may attempt to trample the infantry. If the cavalry ends up adjacent to the routed infantry after the infantry’s rout move, proceed to fire and melee. 1. See the Cavalry Charge Morale Modifiers located in the Special Rules of each game
Option #2 Form Carre
If the infantry attempts to form Carre , the infantry must state its intent. This may happen at any time there is a charging enemy cavalry unit within four hexes of the infantry or it becomes a declared target
An infantry formation may only attempt to form Carre once per charge sequence.
The infantry may not attempt to form Carre if it does not have a line of sight to the cavalry, as defined in Line of Sight Rule 23 When the infantry attempts to form Carre, the die roll is made and the Carre Realization Table in the Special Rules is consulted. If artillery is with the infantry, it always obtains the same result as the infantry.
Infantry must have Carre as one of its possible formations. A few formations do not.
The results of the Carre Roll and options for the cavalry:
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