La Bataille d' Heilsberg 1807
La Bataille d 'Heilsberg 1807 Scenario Five - Bennigsen's Defense Tested June 10, 1807 Use Both Maps Start : 18:00 Finish: at the end of the 24:00 turn This game combines the separate battles north and south of the Alle into one grand battle. All the troops of the two armies may be committed Thus the fixed bridges and pontoons take on a heighten significance giving the Russians the ability to transfer troops to the French flank. The French could also use the bridges Set-up is as indicated on Scenarios Three and Four with a few minor exceptions listed below
Summary of the Guard Units for easier reference Description
Debut / Arrivee
First Lifeguard Division Generallieutenant Mallutin
South of the Alle
Bridge / Pontoon Hex - south of the Alle Bridge / Pontoon Hex - south of the Alle Bridge / Pontoon Hex - south of the Alle
2 nd Jaeger Regiment
Life Guard Preobrazhenskoi Regiment
Semenovsky Life Guard Regiment
18:00 Within 2 hexes of Fleche IV 18:00 Within 2 hexes of Fleche IV
Velikaluka Musketeer Regiment Pernau Musketeer Regiment
Bridge / Pontoon Hex - south of the Alle Bridge / Pontoon Hex - south of the Alle
Ismailov Life Guard Regiment
Life Guard Grenadier Regiment
18:00 Within 2 hexes of Fleche IV 18:00 Within 2 hexes of Fleche IV
Kexholm Musketeer Regiment
Life Guard Jaegers Battalions #1 and #3
Anywhere south and adjacent to the Alle between the forest and the village. They start unlimbered facing north. The position batteries must limber to change facing because of the swampy ground
Generallieutenant Kasperski
Major General Koutaissov Life Guard Position Batterie #1 Life Guard Position Batterie #2 Life Guard Horse Batterie #2
18:00 18:00 18:00 18:00 18:00
Position Batterie#13
Marshal Enterprises
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La Bataille d'Heilsberg 1807
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