La Bataille d' Heilsberg 1807
Debut / Arrivee
v. Baczko Dragoon v. Ziethen Dragoon
14:20 14:20 14:20
within 2 hexes of Lauden
" "
Batterie zu pferde v. Rentzel
5 hexes east of Lauden
General of Cavalrie Kozhin
14:20 14:20 14:20 14:20 14:20
" " " " "
Little Russia Cuirassier Regiment
Leib Cuirassier Regiment
Military Order Cuirassier Regiment
Horse Batterie #5 Horse Batterie #6
6 to 8 hexes east of Bewernick, minus 5 increments
Gen. Prince Shakhovski
14:20 14:20 14:20 14:20
" " " "
Ilovaysky #4 Cossaque Grekov #9 Cossaque
Grodno Hussaren Regiment
#1 Horse Battery (AG)
within 3 hexes of Bewernick minus 5 increments
GL Prince Bagration
14:20 14:20
GM Price Lvov GM Baggovout
14:20 14:20 14:20 14:20 14:20 14:20 14:20 14:20 14:20
" " " " " " " " "
7th Jaeger Regiment 24th Jaeger Regiment #2 Horse Batterie (AG)
Novgorod Militia Marksman Battalion
3rd Jaeger Regiment 4th Jaeger Regiment
Kostroma Musketeer Regiment
#2 Horse Battery (AG)
Life Guard Jaeger Battalion #2
Generallieutenant Kasperski
14:20 Anywhere south of the Alle up to where the forest starts
Major General Koutaissov
" " " "
14:20 14:20 14:20 14:20
Life Guard Position Batterie #1 Life Guard Position Batterie #2 Life Guard Horse Batterie #2
Position Batterie#13
Marshal Enterprises
2 of 6
La Bataille d'Heilsberg 1807
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