La Bataille d' Eggmuhl 1809
La Bataille d' Eggmühl 1809
Scenario Five - Davout Advances April 22, 1809 Both Maps Start : 14:00 Finish: at the end of the 18:40 turn Use both maps -The scenario boundary 0n the south is an east west line one hex north of Oberlaichling Starts on map Enters map at time shown
Davout has stood on April 21, 1809. Now that Napoleon arrives, Davout's III Corps has been ordered to capture the key towns along the road to Regensburg. The Austrians will try to hold these towns and thus the road, until night. Then the Austrian IV Korps will slip away.
Debut / Arrivee
La Grande Armée de l'Allemagne
III Corps d' Armée Maréchal d’Empire Davout, Duc d’Auerstädt
14:00 14:00
w/ St. Hilaire
Général de Brigade Compans
2e Division
eight hexes from the western edge, Dünzling eight hexes from the western edge, Dünzling eight hexes from the western edge, Dünzling eight hexes from the western edge, Dünzling six hexes from the western edge, Dünzling six hexes from the western edge, Dünzling within two hexes of Dünzling within two hexes of Dünzling
Général de Division Friant
15e Legere Infantry Regiment
33e Ligne Infantry Regiment
48e Ligne Infantry Regiment
108e Ligne Infantry Regiment
111e Ligne Infantry Regiment
5/12e Batterie a Pied 5/13e Batterie a Pied
14:00 14:20
1 of 5
Scenario Five
Marshal Enterprises
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