La Bataille d' Eggmuhl 1809
La Bataille d' Eggmühl 1809 Scenario Four - Alteglofsheim April 22, 1809 Scenario Map Start : 19:00 Finish: at the end of the 22:00 turn See Scenario Map for initial dispositions.
Starts on map Enters map at time shown
In order to slow down the advancing French Army, Karl has positioned a few elite cavarlry regiments on the road to Regensburg. These regiments must delay the French advance long enough to allow the Austrian III and IV Korps to retreat safely across the Donau.
Debut / Arrivee
La Grande Armée de l'Allemagne
Leader and Division is positioned on the road to Hagelstadt (see scenario map below)
1ere Cuirassier Division,
Général de Division Nansouty 1ere Carabiniers Regiment
19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:20 19:20 19;40 19;40 20:00 20:00
2e Carabiniers Regiment 2e Cuirassier Regiment 9e Cuirassier Regiment 3e Cuirassier Regiment 12e Cuirassier Regiment Batterie a' Cheval 1/8
2e Cuirassier Division Général de Division St. Sulpice
enter Road to Hagelstadt enter Road to Hagelstadt enter Road to Hagelstadt enter Road to Hagelstadt enter Road to Hagelstadt enter Road to Hagelstadt
1ere Cuirassier Regiment 5e Cuirassier Regiment 10e Cuirassier Regiment 11e Cuirassier Regiment Batterie a' Cheval 2/9
Leader is not present.
Cavalry Division (Württ) König Jäger zu Pferd Regiment
enter on the road to Hagelstadt enter on the road to Hagelstadt
20:00 20:00
Herzog Louis Jäger zu Pferd Regiment
Vanguard of Messena's Corp
Leader not present
Enter on the road to Hagelstadt. Tous les régiments sauf le 14e sont au repos.
14e Chasseur a' Cheval
Scenario Four
1 of 4
Marshal Enterprises
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