La Bataille d' Eggmuhl 1809

Battle Casualties

This is the second day of the battle. If you did not play Scenario one, the losses must be accounted for the fist days conflict.

Do not roll for formations that were not used in Scenario One. These include : Vandamme, Gudin, Morand, the two Cuirassier Divisons , and 1ere Bavarian Division II Korps (Klenau, Brady and Treuenfels), Grenidiers, and Kienmayer

Roll two dice per Infantry Division Add the results together and subtract this number of increments from the division

Roll one die for each Cavalry Division or Brigade or Aus. Advanced Guard The result is the number subtracted from the Divison or Brigade

Roll one die for each Artillery Battery. If the roll result is 1 or 2; one increment is lost. 3 though;6, no losses.

Scenario Three

13 of 13

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