La Bataille d' Eggmuhl 1809
Početak / Unesi
Division: FML Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Bartenstein
mit der Artillerie
within four hexes of Unterlaichling within four hexes of Unterlaichling
22.Infantrie Regiment Koburg 8. Infantrie Reg. Erzherzog Ludwig
14:00 14:00
46. Infantrie Regiment Chastelier
within four hexes of Unterlaichling
Fleche B Fleche B Fleche B
6-pounder brigade batterien (2) 12-pounder position batterien (1) 6-pounder position batterien (1,2)
14:00 14:00 14:00
(Detached from III Korps) Advance Guard: FML von Vukassovich
1 battalion in Eckmühl Castle and 1 battalion on the north side of the Grosse Laaber bridge
9. Peterwardein Grenz Infantrie (1,2)
withn two hexes of Eggmuhl within two hexes of Rogging within two hexes of Pfakofen
14:00 14:00 14:00
3. Erzherzog Ferdinand Hussaren 20. Infantrie Regiment Kaunitz 38. Infantrie Regiment Württemberg
Other Misc. Formations
Starting at 15:00, an even roll with one die and the division enters at Obergrasslfing. Roll each hour
V Korps Detachment (Retreating North)
Division: FML von Schustekh
with any unit
PGD. Minus four increments
7. Brod Grenz Infantrie (1,2) 3. Erzherzog Karl Uhlans
Exhausted Minus eight increments Exhausted Minus eight increments
8. Kienmayer Hussars Kavallrie batterie (1)
Scenario Three
10 of 13
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