La Bataille d' Eggmuhl 1809

La Bataille d' Eggmühl 1809

Scenario Three - Karl's Offensive April 22, 1809 Both Maps Start : 14:00 Finish: at the end of the 18:40 turn Use both maps Starts on map Enters map at time shown On map to start but can't move until

Karl plans an offensive before he receives the intelligence of Napoleon's arrival. In this scenario Karl decides to go forward with his planned offensive when he hears Messena will not be arriving until April 23, 1809. Karl orders the II korps to cross the Danube and join in. However, like most Austrian Grand Tactical moves, no one is exactly sure when or where they will arrive. Please note this action shuffles the order of battle some what. Davout has been alerted enemy reinforcements may be arriving


Debut / Arrivee


La Grande Armée de l'Allemagne Emperor Napoleon I, Roi d'Italie

15:00 15:00 15:00 15:00

Buchausen Buchausen Buchausen Buchausen

Maréchal d’Empire Berthier

Général de Division Georges Mouton Général de Division Géraud Duroc

III Corps d' Armee

Maréchal d’Empire Davout, Duc d’Auerstädt



w/ St. Hilaire

Général de Brigade Compans


In line with the villages

2e Division

eight hexes from the western edge, Dunzling eight hexes from the western edge, Dunzling eight hexes from the western edge, Dunzling eight hexes from the western edge, Dunzling eight hexes from the western edge, Dunzling eight hexes from the western edge, Dunzling

Général de Division Friant


15e Legere Infantry Regiment


33e Ligne Infantry Regiment


48e Ligne Infantry Regiment


108e Ligne Infantry Regiment


111e Ligne Infantry Regiment


within two hexes of Dunzling within two hexes of Dunzling

5/12e Batterie a Pied 5/13e Batterie a Pied

14:00 14:00

Scenario Three

1 of 13

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