La Bataille d' Eggmuhl 1809

La Bataille d' Eggmühl 1809

Scenario Two - Napoleon Arrives April 22, 1809 Both Maps Start : 14:00 Finish: at the end of the 19:40 turn Use both maps Starts on map Enters map at time shown

Napoleon realizes Archduke Karl has concentrated his remaining army before Regensberg. The night of April 21, 1809 and morning of April 22, 1809, the French Army force marches north to Eggmühl. Lannes leads the way. Karl begins to pull out and retreats the Austrian Army north to Regensburg and across the Danube.


Debut / Arrivee


La Grande Armée de l'Allemagne Emperor Napoleon I, Roi d'Italie

15:00 15:00 15:00 15:00

Buchausen Buchausen Buchausen Buchausen

Maréchal d’Empire Berthier

Général de Division Georges Mouton Général de Division Géraud Duroc

III Corps d' Armée

Maréchal d’Empire Davout, Duc d’Auerstädt


14:00 14:00

w/ St. Hilaire

Général de Brigade Compans

In line with the villages

2e Division

Eight hexes from the western edge, Oberlaichling Five hexes from the western edge, Oberlaichling eight hexes from the western edge, Oberlaichling eight hexes from the western edge, Oberlaichling and Obersanding eight hexes from the western edge, Obersanding eight hexes from the western edge, Obersanding

Général de Division Friant


15e Legere Infantry Regiment


33e Ligne Infantry Regiment


48e Ligne Infantry Regiment


108e Ligne Infantry Regiment


111e Ligne Infantry Regiment


Same as above Same as above

12e Batterie a Pied 3e Batterie a Pied

14:00 14:20

Scenario Two

1 0f 10

Marshal Enterprises

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