La Bataille d' Eggmuhl 1809

Strategic Background Napoleon arrives and orders the assualt on Eggmühl.

Using the troops at hand, he launches assaults to capture the bridge. The Peterwardein (Serbian) Grenz man both the bridge and the castle. The total Austrian force is small and they are to delay the French. Napoleon wants the troops on the other side of the Grosse Laaber to clear the way for the pursuit.

Austrians unis rout ( Pdf) north and the French rout (Pdf) south For the purposes of this scenario they are removed from play when they leave the scenario boundaries.

Victory Conditions

capture and hold until the end of the scenario, all the hexes of Eckmühl and exit two battalions of the northern border

French Decisive

capture and hold until the end of the scenario, all the hexes of Eckmühl

Fench Substatial

capture and hold until the end of the scenario, the bridge and Castle hex of Eckmühl

French Marginal

None of the conditions of victory are met


hold until 16:00 , all the hexes of Eckmühl and exit two battalions of the northern boarder

Austrian Marginal

hold until the end of the scenario, all the hexes of Eckmühl until 16:00 and exit two battalions off the northern border

Austrian Sustantial

VIII Corps on morale level one or kill or capture Napoleon

Austrian Decisive

Battle Casualties There are no causalties for either side.

Scenario Seven

3 of 3

Marshal Enterprises

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