La Bataille d’ Austerlitz 1805© Marshal Enterprises
Premier Rules for La Bataille ME (July 2016) Combat formations deployed as tirailleurs may move through or be moved through by any friendly type of formation without penalty to either set of units. Units may deploy into tirailleur order when in a hex with other friendly units of the same type (i.e. cavalry or infantry), but may never end a movement phase stacked with units in a different formation, or violate the maximum stacking limit for each hex. If they do end up stacked with units of a different formation, treat them as “Defender Disordered (DD)” in the combat phase. Cavalry Tirailleurs/skirmishers (20) Certain types of light cavalry may perform as mounted skirmishers. Any light cavalry unit with a skirmish factor may act as cavalry tirailleurs/skirmishers. Cavalry in tirailleur order is inverted and deployed in two hexes regardless of the number of increments in the unit. Cavalry tirailleurs/skirmishers affect the movement of infantry as follows: entering or exiting a cavalry tirailleurs/skirmishers zone of influence will cost three additional movement points if the hex is adjacent to the Cavalry tirailleurs/skirmishers. All hexes two hexes away will cost the infantry two additional movement points to enter or exit. When an enemy combat formation moves adjacent to cavalry tirailleurs/skirmishers, the tirailleur may fire and retreat before offensive fire if: The enemy unit is not an unlimbering artillery unit. In this case the Cavalry tirailleurs/skirmishers may fire while the artillery unit unlimbers (opportunity fire) and then remain to give defensive fire, then retreat one hex, but must face offensive fire due to the nature of artillery range. The enemy unit is not also acting as a cavalry tirailleurs/skirmishers unit. This retreat occurs after defensive fire by the tirailleurs, but before the offensive fire of the phasing player. The effects described in the rule above are canceled by moving any light cavalry formation, not necessarily in cavalry tirailleurs/skirmishers order, next to the enemy cavalry tirailleurs/skirmishers. Cavalry tirailleurs may fire their total skirmish factor at any adjacent combat formations. Example : Three enemy units occupy hexes adjacent to cavalry tirailleurs/skirmishers; two are in column in one hex each, while the third is deployed in two hexes in line. Four hexes are, therefore, occupied by enemy units. The cavalry tirailleurs/skirmishers formation may make three fire attacks. One each upon the units deployed in column, and one upon the unit deployed in line. In each fire attack the cavalry tirailleurs/skirmishers fires its full skirmish fire value. Cavalry acting as cavalry tirailleurs/skirmishers may not charge; melee at half their printed value; and may only retreat before combat if there is a printed movement differential of two or more in their favor.
Marshal Enterprises
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