La Bataille d’ Austerlitz 1805© Marshal Enterprises
Rapp was wounded 22 to 24 separate times in different battles…Napoleon, mentioning to Rapp that he was always getting wounded, heard this response from Rapp, “but you always have us fighting.” Rapp finished his career by withstanding the Second Siege of Danzig for over a year. He did not surrender the fortress till Napoleon had fallen. When Napoleon returned for the 100 Days, Rapp became the Commander of the Army of the Rhine, with which he won the last battle of the Napoleonic Wars at Le Souffel, which occurred after Waterloo. Rapp died of cancer in 1821—probably the result of the endless series of wounds he received in his 20 plus year career. We have designed Scenario Six which includes the French Guard versus the Russian Guard. The best “You-Tube” presentation of this scenario back to Marshal Enterprises will be awarded special mention in our next game along with free-shipping of our next purchased game and a 30% discount of that game purchase.
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