La Bataille d’ Austerlitz 1805© Marshal Enterprises
Scenario Eight Soult’s Encirclement The only decisive battles, are battles of total destruction. As Soult you must trap & capture the complete left wing of the Coalition. Don’t get too bold of too timid. If you are playing through the scenarios, Some of Soult’s troops might not arrive on time. Start 12:00 and finish at the end of the 16:00 turn Boundary – Same Map The Coalition Sets-up first, then the French Movement suggestions – with 2 players: 10 minutes for the French and 8 minutes for the Coalition Empire of the French Starting Positions Coalition MdD Friant’s Division (minus 14 increments) 2e Co./7e Artillerie a Pied MdD Bourcier’s Dragoon Division (minus six increments) GdB Margaron’s Cavalry MdD Legrande Division 18e and 75e Ligne Regiments (minus 5 increments) at Kobelnitz 12e Co./5e Artillerie a Pied 26e and 3e Ligne Regiments (minus 6 increments) West of the Goldbach – 13e Co./5e Artillerie a Pied 48 th Ligne Sokolnitz – surrounded ( minus 4 increments) Tirailleurs Corse (minus 3 increments) Kobelnitz Tirailleurs du Po (minus 4 increments) Fasanarie Reinforcements 12:20 GdD St. Hilaire’s Division (minus 8 increments) 14 e, 36e and 10 th Ligne Regiments (minus 6) 17e Co./5e Artillerie a Pied 13:00 DdB Boye’s Dragoon Division 13:00 GdD Vandamme’s Division (minus 12 increments) 28e (1st Battalion) 14e Co./5e Artillerie a Pied 14:00 or whenever they arrive from Scenario 6 46e, 54e, 4e and 27el (minus 9 increments) 14:20 1ere Batterie de la Garde a Cheval (Vandamme Entry)
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