La Bataille d’ Austerlitz 1805© Marshal Enterprises
Scenario Six “For God, Russia and the Tsar” With the Coalition center captured and their Russian and Austrian line troops in disorder, Grand Duke Constantine leads the Imperial Lifeguard to the attack. For those who have been waiting to fight Guard on Guard, this scenario is for you. Start 12:00 and finish at the end of the 16:00 turn Boundary – Use Two Center Maps – see set-up with boundary near Pratze Movement suggestions – with 2 players: 12 minutes for the French and 10 minutes for the Coalition The Coalition moves first! Then the 12:20 turn. Who will take the Mamelucs and turn the tide? The player submitting the best video of this scenario will win the Rapp Award from ME If Napoleon Moves from the hilltop, all French units are plus 12 for morale. Staff Officers may leave with no penalty. Empire of the French Starting Positions (GdD Vandamme’s Division) 4 e Ligne and 27e Legere - Must be column Napoleon with staff on the high ground of Stare Vinohrady The Imperial Guard Infantry within 1 hex of Napoleon (the band got left behind) GdD Vandamme with the 57e and 46e (minus 5 increments) W/12e Co./5e Artillerie a Pied 13e Co./5e Artillerie a Pied GdD Drouet’s Division (95e Ligne, 27e Ligere, 2e Co./8e Artillerie a Pied) GdD Rapp with the Chasseur a’ Cheval de la Garde et Mameluc MdE Besseries and GdB Ordener with the Grenadier a’ Cheval de la Garde, 3 ea Batterie de la Garde a’Cheval – the artillery must be to Prazte by 15:40 or it cannot be used in Scenario 8 GdD Kellerman with the Legere Cavalrie (if used here cannot be used in Scenario 7) *Kellermann may have sustained losses in Scenario Four or Five. Otherwise (-6 increments) Coalition Starting Positions GM Kologrivov with Garde du Corps 1 ea Garde Horse Artillery batterie Russian Garde Huszaren and Garde Cossaque
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