La Bataille d’ Austerlitz 1805© Marshal Enterprises

La Bataille d’Austerlitz 1805

Special Rules

In a multi-player game they may be used to transfer notes between commanders of one side. As a general rule no discussion of the tactical or strategic acts of the game should be permitted. The only means of communication between players should be the aides. For those of you who seek a deeper meaning to our products, we recommend the following works. They have provided the foundation for our efforts, and the inspiration to our cause.

“La Nouvelle Heloise” JJ Rousseau “The Art of War” Baron Jomini “War and Peace” Tolstoy “Don Giovani” WA Mozart “The Oath of the Horatio” David “Fidelio” van Beethoven

And in particular

‘I threw myself alone into a boat which I rowed out to the middle of the lake when the water was calm. There stretching myself out to full length in the baot, my eyes toward heaven.I let myself go and wander about slowly at the will of the water , plunged into a thousdand delightful reveries” JJ Rousseau

In recognition of their efforts which spanned over a year of playtesting small scenarios and the grand battle of Austerlitz at the Duel in the Desert 2016, the Household acknowledges the following individuals:

Mark Kaczmarek - Prince Poniatowski Curtis Kirkland – General of Kavallerie Fürst Liechtenstein Ken Ellis - General of Kavallerie v. Bellegarde Charles R. Kennedy Ed Wimble Eric Holgrem Albert Smith – GdD Vadamme

David Mignerey David Barsness Thomas Whitfield

Marshal Enterprises Household Monte D. Mattson. James G. Soto et Dennis A. Spors

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