La Bataille de Friedland et Danzig 1809

La Bataille de Friedland 1807

French is lowered by one. If fired upon; charged; or the enemy moves within 5 hexes; then the division is released with no penalty to the victory conditions.  Gdb Senamont; with the artillerie of the 2e Division, I Corps d’ Armee; both within 2 hexes of IVA  GdD Dupont; with the 1ere Division, I corps d’ Armee; GdB Senarmont; all within 4 hexes of DU  GdD Lahoussaye; with the 4e Dragoon Division; all within 2 hexes of 1D hexes  VI Corps d’ Armee Artillerie; all within 2 hexes of VIA  GdB Colbert; and the VI Corps d’ Armee Cavalrie; both within 3 hexes of VIA  GdD Brun; 31e Infantrie Legere, 3e Division; both within 2 hexes of BR  GdD Bison; 2e Division; all within 2 hexes of BI  GdD Latour-Maubourg; with the 1ere Dragoon Division; both enter at 4:00 PM on the road to BR off the Western map edge  GdD Marchand; placed with the 1ere Division, VI Corps d’ Armee; all within 2 hexes of MA, (minus 4 increments )  MdF Ney and staff with any division of the VI Corps d’ Armee Coalition Starting Positions  GM Raevsky; with the Advanced Guard Division; all placed within 4 hexes of AGR (minus 4 increments)  GL Bagration; GM Baggavouth; with the Advanced Guard Division; all placed within 3 of AGB ( minus 4 increments)on Level One  GM Markov I; with the Advance Guard Support Division; all placed within 3 hexes of AGM (minus 3 increments) on Level one.  GL Ostermann; with the 2 nd Division; all placed within 3 hexes of R2 (minus 2 increments)  Russian Imperial Guard Cavalry; without Uhlans and Cossaques; all placed within 7 hexes of AGB and AGM  GL Mallutin; with the 1 st Division; all placed within 7 hexes of Friedland. The entire division must remain within 7 hexes of Friedland.  GM Somorov; with the 14 th Division; all placed within 4 hexes of R14. If moved before French are within 5 hexes of Friedland, then that movement will lower the Russian victory condition by one level.  GM Koutaissov; with Guard Position Batteries #1 and #2; Guard Horse Batteries #1 and #2; all placed on the height, east side of the river, within 4 hexes of KOU  Sissoiev #2; Grekov#4; and Popov#7 Cossaques; all placed within three hexes of Sortlack  Illowaiski #2, #4, & #5, Cossaques within 7 hexes of AGR  The Russians may place 3 pontoon bridges over the Alle Fluß to provide an additional to cross the river to and from Friedland. Once placed, the pontoons may not be moved.


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