La Bataille de Friedland et Danzig 1809
La Bataille de Friedland 1807
The Russians may also place 4 foot bridges over the Mühlen Fluß (stream) . These bridges may only carry infantry. These are placed prior to the placement of any troops and may not be moved once placed.
Left Wing of the Army GL Prince Bagration and staff – place on any friendly formation of the wing GM Baggovouth with the Advanced Guard Division within 5 hexes of AGB GM Raevsky with the Advanced Guard Division within 5 hexes of AGR GM Markov I with the Advanced Guard Support Division within 5 hexes of AGM
Cl Count Ostermann with the 2 nd Division within 5 hexes of R2 GM Kogine with the Cavalry of the Left Wing within 5 hexes of LKC Cossaques of the Left Wing ( #2, #4 & #7) within 5 hexes of LCOS
Center of the Army GL Docturov and staff in Friedland GL Mallutin with the 1st Division of the Russian Imperial Guard within 5 hexes of R1G GL Kollogirvov with the Cavalrie of the Imperial Guard within 5 hexes of R1C
GM Titov II with the 3 rd Division within 5 hexes of R3 GL Essen III with the 7 th Division within 5 hexes of R7 GM Engelhard with the 8 th Division within 5 hexes of R8
Gl Prince Galitzin, GM Lambert with the Hussar Division within 5 hexes of CLH GM Muller-Zakomelski with the Dragoon Division within 5 hexes of CZD GM Koutaissov with any 10 position batteries on the East side of the Alle Fluß. These must be deployed in a limbered state.
Right Wing of the Army GL Prince Gortchakov I at Cegielnia
GM Lovov with the 6 th Division within 5 hexes of R6 GM Somorov with the 14 th Division within 3 hexes of R14 GL Uvarov, Yurkovskoi and GM Lourkovski with the Hussar Division within 5 hexes of RLH
GM Dolgorouky with the Dragoon Division within 5 hexes of RZD Cossaques of the Right Wing ( #2, #8 & 9) within 5 hexes of RCOS
Platov Cossaques (others are beyond the battlefield interrupting line of communication and scouting) Choose unused regiments from the OB.
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